We would like to first say a big thank you for everyone that took the time to answer the questions we had on our survey.

All of the owners of Underground felt that some changes needed to be made to the store in many areas, but before doing anything we wanted your opinion first.

Many of you already know there has been many issues with stolen content in Second Life on the marketplace. But there are other issues that Underground has been faced with. One being of issues with people trying to sell our items on third party websites for new start up Virtual Reality worlds. With the rapidly growing Virtual Reality technology emerging.. our products are no longer exclusive to one or two grids, and honestly, we cant keep up with so many possibilities for our mesh to be used to monitor the legitimacy of the files being used.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to address other issues that have been brought to our attention.

This blog post may be a little long, but we recommend reading it fully, so you are informed of changes that may affect you.

If you have any questions and concerns about the information below, and would like to contact us about it, you can submit a note card to UndergroundEnforcer Resident.

All notecards to that avatar will be read and responded to.



We will still continue to create 5 standard sizes for most of our meshes. The only time we may not do a 5 standard size for a item is if the design of the product does not allow it.

(example : a shirt with only one sleeve)

The poll suggests that 5 Standard sizes are still in high demand in Second Life.

5 standard sizes result



We are currently offering 4 purchase options for Mesh Products. With and without textures and with and without Fitmesh.

Sales records show that we only sell (on average) 1 out of 20 packs for the non texture packs and 5 standard only packs

We also spend alot of time helping customers when they accidentally purchase the incorrect pack. We have decided to start just doing ONE box with textures.textures result



Underground has decided to stop giving DAE files for mesh products. This was a very hard decision to make. And was not decided lightly. The decision was made for MANY reasons. We were concerned about how this would affect our customers, therefore the Survey was created to find out how the dae files are being used. Please view the results below.

upload mesh sl resultmodify dae result

As you can see above that only 10-11% of responses use the dae files for uploading or modifying the mesh.

We did consider raising the price of the DAE packs, and lowering the prices of the packs that did not have DAE files. But that still would not have solved some issues we are having to deal with. So we have decided to lower the prices a bit for the packs because they will not be including dae files. So a pack that may normally cost 2250 may be closer to 1600. This is a estimate of course. As always the simpler items with not much detail work will still be lower costing then a item with alot of detail.

Another topic to consider is mesh body weights. Many mesh body creators do not approve of meshes with weighting information to be sold with DAE Files.  And in order to comply and honor the mesh body creators wishes, not including the dae files will help ease the minds of other creators as well.

We have many products that have not been released yet that will still have dae options, but will be phased out in coming months. In the coming months please look on the advert on the vendor or marketplace to see if the dae is included or not.

If you use dae files for transferring to other grids, please visit the Grid Transfer page for more information.



Creating is the heart beat of Second Life. And we always promote the expression of individuality in SL. So in the spirit of Second Life.. Underground is now taking applications for Developers. You can find more information about this on our website HERE



We have noticed that the MM boards are becoming less and less of a attraction to the store. It is frustrating for customers to not get the items in the MM boards when the do not lock.

And honestly we get more complaints about the MMs and Lucky Chairs then we get thank yous.

We have decided to put multiple group gift vendors in the store. One for each contributing creator at Underground.

Every two weeks one of the group gift items will be changed to a new item. This way everyone in the group can come to the store to get their free gift at their leisure.

We do not have a set date as to when we will change this in the store yet.



We would like to acknowledge concerns others have had regarding pricing standards for Underground Products.

There is much controversy about items being sold on Marketplace for a very low cost with texture huds. Many feel that this makes for a unfair market.

Our Terms of Service has always been 50L as a minimum for resell of our products. This guideline was set many years ago.

Starting with all purchases purchased after September 1, 2016.. we will have a new pricing policy.

All items sold before September 1, 2016 will still be able to honor the old pricing guidelines. We will not make everyone go back and change the prices of the existing items in their stores.

You can find more detailed information about the new pricing guidelines HERE.

Categories: STORE INFO