We had a record number of responses this year, thank you so much to all of you that took the time to do the survey!

There is not going to be a lot of changes this year to the Underground Policies or TOS. This year, we wanted to know more about what you guys wanted from us!

Looks like 65% of you are using UG items to sell in your Second Life Stores. 19% use them for Personal Use, and 6.5% of you take UG items to other Grids to sell.

The other 9.5% use them in different ways or a combination of the three.

Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink are the top three, Tonic and eBody come in as the next popular. The Mesh Project and Altamura are tied in 7th place.

We are not seeing a lot of activity coming from TMP, but Altamura is very active. We are going to stop creating for TMP. And will sometimes include sizes for Altamura.

These questions verify the previous question. We are seeing the same trend of popular bodies.


Signature, Belleza, Slink & Aesthetic are the top 4 Male Bodies. Altamura & The Mesh Project are fairly close in results. Narcodix and ExMachima didn’t get many votes, so we may make items for them sometimes.

We are going to stop creating for TMP. And will sometimes include sizes for Altamura.

These questions verify the previous question. We are seeing the same trend of popular bodies.


This is the Biggest Question of the Survey.

One Represents ‘Not Important” and Six represents “Extremely Important”

Good News is that the votes to keep Standard Sizes won.. but not my much.

We have been asking this question on our surveys for three years now. And every year we are seeing more and more people are leaning towards not wanting the standard sizes.

We realize that people that are taking items to other grids that don’t have fitmesh or mesh bodies really need the standard sizes, But only 6.5% of our customers that took this survey are taking items to other grids.

Creating items for so many sizes is a slow process, and it makes it difficult to keep weekly releases with so many sizes.

55% of people want more frequent releases, and 45% of you want to keep the packs with more sizes.

We are going to meet you in the middle with this.

We are going to start making some items in the top 6 Mesh Body sizes only with no Standard Sizes, and sell them at a lesser price. Those items will NOT be made in standard Sizes.

This will help with lowering the cost of the items, time spent making them, and will have more frequent releases.


TOP STYLES: Casual (230), Bohemian (195), Sexy (194), Elegant (174), Romantic (173), Chic (165)


TOP STYLES: Casual (277), Sophisticated (193), Rocker (160), Streetwear (155), Business (148), Trendy (142)

This helps us a lot with deciding which types of items to make. We try to do a variety of items, but this gives us a much better idea of what you guys are looking for.

Thank You again for doing the Survey!

Below is some Comments or Questions that people asked when doing the survey that we felt needed a response. Since the survey was anonymous we can not contact those people directly. So if you asked a question or made a comment on the end of the survey please look below to see if we answered you!

Q: Can you please make your t-shirts, jersey’s and tanks longer (untucked versions)

A: We will try to make some longer shirts this year!

Q: more gowns and heels would be awesome

A: Put some urls to images of what styles you are looking for on a notecard, and put them in the suggestion box at the store please.

Q: I Do a lot of rp stuff in sl there is a huge call for uniforms to fit mesh bodies both male and female bodies, It maybe something to look into

A: What types of uniforms are you wanting. There are alot of different types. Put some urls to images of what styles you are looking for on a notecard, and put them in the suggestion box at the store please.

Q: A larger variety of shoes would be nice.

A: We will try to make more shoes this year!

Q:  Would like to see more details on clothes, some styles are so plain, and more prints

A:  We try to make items in a way that customers can have plenty of design freedom to do different things. We don’t do a lot of prints for that reason also.

Q: More revealing body-conscious clothes for male bodies

A: Put some urls to images of what styles you are looking for on a notecard, and put them in the suggestion box at the store please.

Q: Can you maybe inform the owners of the mesh bodies regarding the selling of clothing for stolen bodies? (imo) is that really what happens : see Kitely market for example. Thank you

A: We are not sure what you mean. It sounds like you want us to contact body creators about copybotted bodies in other grids? If that is correct, I would suggest contacting them directly.

Q: bring back the midnight mania boards please x

A: We stopped doing Midnight Mania Boards a couple of years ago. The reason we did this was because the MM board was getting harder and harder to lock. This is when we started doing the premium group gifts instead. So people could just come and get the item as their leisure.

Q: I wish you would have a store in digi grid since IW has closed down, it is very hard for me to get any money into SL and therefore I can’t buy your templates anymore

A: After the IW store closed, we are not looking into rebuilding another store in other grids. Re uploading and building a store takes a lot of time. Not sure why you have a hard time getting money into SL, I would contact LL for billing issues.

Q: The cow says: “EAT MOR CHIKIN” 😛

A: The Chicken says “CLUCK YOU!”  

Q: I would love there to be smaller size package options for less money…I only sell three body sizes to my customers. the top three on the grid. I know how much time it takes you to rig all those sizes so I understand the pricing. Would just be super cool to pay less for less stuff. If that makes sense. Thanks!

A: We are planning on offering products with the three main bodies in SL for a lesser cost.

Q: i wish even the group discounted stuff had upgrades in case you hit the wrong one without knowing that it didn’t have the dea files

A: We have started putting a nearby box with the dae versions for the group discount items.

Q: to have full perm available without having to send NC’s back and forth

A: We would like to be able to do this also. However with the situation of people trying to resell full perm items illegally, it is a requirement, sadly. We have looked into other ways of combating this problem.

Q: When will you have child avatar templates?

A: We are not looking to add children’s sizes at this time.

Categories: SURVEYS


Tazzie Tuque · October 14, 2018 at 11:17 pm

I just want to say thank you for putting out this survey. It lets us patrons know that you indeed do listen to what we need/or want and that you work on meeting our needs. I really wish more mesh template makers would do this.. Thank you! · October 15, 2018 at 6:40 am

    Thank you Tazzie! Thank you for participating!

Dawn Harbour · October 14, 2018 at 11:31 pm

Does this mean that we will see less products now for standard sizes. And will you keep the slink high size or do away with them too.
We are going to start making some items in the top 6 Mesh Body sizes only with no Standard Sizes, and sell them at a lesser price. Those items will NOT be made in standard Sizes. · October 15, 2018 at 6:38 am

    As of right now, We are releasing items every 2-3 weeks. We will continue to release items that have standard sizes at about the same pace, however, to increase the number of releases, we will be also offering packs that just have the most popular mesh body sizes in it. I would suggest watching which sizes are in the product package when purchasing. As far as the Slink High Size, that is for shoes. And when we make shoes we will include all the sizes we can.

erdette resident · October 15, 2018 at 2:30 am

About Digiworldz, you can get land cheap or see Jack Stone about a free sim to get you started. you don’t have to have the size you had inworldz a smaller store, but its only a suggestion. Digiworldz is very strict when it comes to people stealing. But it is an open sim · October 15, 2018 at 6:36 am

    Hi, erdette… starting a new store in another grid takes time. Most people have an SL account. We would rather spend time making new products than putting together a new store in another grid.

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